I love stories like this. They renew my faith in the natural order of the universe. Not that my faith needed renewing, but too many times people blame the natural order for being obscure, not themselves for not having enough information.
The art of Feng Shui measures the cycles of the Earth's electromagnetic field and applies this influence to the directions and dwellings of human beings. Yes, folks, not only do you really intercept this field, it really affects you in ways you can't imagine unless you have a feng shui reading done.
It is also my personal belief that at birth, the magnets in your brain are "set" in some way based upon the positions of the planets, and that is why astrology "works" also, but I don't yet have scientific proof of that idea.
However, I do have proof that we humans have the capability and therefore the likelihood of detecting and being affected by the Earth's electromagnetic fields.
Read on……
From the Earth's magnet field affects humans website:
ITEM 43:
Microscopic magnets have been found in the human brain that might help explain possible links between cancer and electromagnetic fields, scientists said Monday.
'They are little biological bar magnets' made of crystals of the iron mineral magnetite, said geobiologist Joseph Krischvink of the California Institute of Technology. 'This really is an exciting discovery.' . . . Homing pigeons, whales, salmon, honeybees and some shellfish and bacteria have microscopic magnets . . . "
- Associated Press,
Here is the whole story as reported in the
*** Begin Quote
Scientists Discover Magnets In Brain
'They are little biological bar magnets" made of crystals of the iron mineral magnetite, said geobiologist Joseph Krischvink of the California Institute of Technology. "This really is an exciting discovery."
The crystals are strongly magnetic, unlike other iron compounds in the body. They come in two sizes, about one-millionth and 10-millionths of an inch wide," he said during a news conference.
Homing pigeons, whales, salmon, honeybees and some shellfish and bacteria have microscopic magnets.
In recent years, scientists found growing but inconclusive evidence that electromagnetic fields, or EMF's, might increase the risk of certain cancers, including childhood leukemis and brain tumors.
EMF's are invisible electric and magnetic fields generated by power lines, appliances, and everything electrical.
Many physicists doubt any EMF-cancer link because "they thought there were no plausible mechanisms by which electromagnetic fields could affect biological tissue," Kirschvink said.
The study found an average human brain contains about 7 billion microscopic magnets, weighing a total of one-millionth of an ounce, said associate research engineer Atsuko Kobayashi-Kirschvink, who co-authored the study and is married to Kirschvink.
*** End Quote
Further evidence from the Earth's magnet field affects humans website:
ITEM 44:
"Every organism including the human organism, demonstrates cycles of biological and mental-emotional activity closely linked to geomagnetic force-field patterns and more complex force-field interrelations, both planetary and solar-terrestrial in scope. Human behavior is influenced through the direct current control system of the brain by the terrestrial magnetic field, solar and planetary conditions, and both high and low energy cosmic radiation."
- Dr. Robert O. Becker, Medical Research,
ITEM 45:
"I found in my research that this permeability (of blood cells) is under the direct control of (Earth's) geomagnetic field. Apparently the control is connected with changes occurring in the water molecules of the membranes."
- Dr. Alexander Dubrov,
ITEM 49:
"After analyzing six years' worth of data, two geophysicists (S.R.C. Malin, B.J. Srivastava, Nature) have concluded that there is a significant relationship between heart attacks and changes in the earth's magnetism."
New York Times.
ITEM 51:
In a fascinating study on geomagnetic storms and depression, British researchers found that male hospital admissions with a diagnosis of depression rose 36.2% during periods of geomagnetic activity as compared with normal periods. The investigators hypothesized that this increase may have been caused by a phase advance in the circadian rhythm of melatonin production.
Kay RW. Geomagnetic storms: association with incidence of depression as measured by hospital admission. British Journal Psychiatry 1994 164(3): 403-9.
Think Feng Shui doesn't affect YOU??
Think again!