Correct Orientation of Taiji Yin/Yang symbol
Subtitle: are you a yin/yang snob?
I admit it….I was until a few months ago when I observed a most interesting symbolic association of the taiji symbol with a symbolic energy map.

Most people believe the proper orientation for the taiji is yang on the left originating on the bottom, growing around in a clockwise direction from 6:00 to 12:00 positions, and reaching maturity at the top while yin is on the right, has its origin at the top, also grows in a clockwise direction from 12:00 to 6:00 positions, and matures at the bottom of the circle. If you trace the center curving line, you will see that it creates a reversed "S."

You may recognize this circle of trigrams as the Early Heaven Arrangement I spoke of earlier in my post about The Sacred Wheel of the Year as revealed through the I Ching. It can represent just about any cycle you care to apply it to, but is most often used to indicate the seasonal cycles of summer/winter and daily light/dark cycle.
However, there is an alternative possibility and orientation.

Assume that Heaven and Earth, the five yang and ten yin circles are in the center of this ancient taiji circle. 2 and 4 on the He Tu correspond to the yin area on the right which is inside the yang, and numbers 6 and 8 correspond to the HeTu where yin had moved to the outer aspect and continues around on the left side from the bottom to the top. Yang behaves the same, starting on the inside with the number 1, growing clockwise to the number 3 position, and then becoming the outer aspect at the numbers 7 and 9 He Tu positions.
Rounding it out a little, softening the edges, we get the mirror image of the first taiji diagram:
So, if you had a bet with someone on the "correct" orientation for the taiji or yin/yang symbol, you're both right!
As everything else in life, nothing is ever what it seems, and everything is only a matter of perception.
Hi Phoenix,
May I have your permission to replicate your image called in my book on the I Ching and possibilities for it describing string theory and gravitons - with attribution to you or your blog, whichever you prefer? I will send you a copy of the book if you like, when/ if the book is published. It is called FRACTAL GRAVITONS in a new TOE, and it uses the I Ching symbols as a shorthand to explain the dynamic of gravitation.
Hi Readysteady,
Thank you for asking.
As far as I know, all of the images in this post are in the public domain.
I don't own them, they are free for anyone to use, so feel free to use them in your book.
Your title sounds fascinating; good luck in getting your book written and published. Let me know when it's avaialable!
Thank you for sharing your in-depth knowledge and descriptions on the Yin-Yang symbol. I had always leaned towards the first diagram in your article. I've not read all of I Ching, but it's easier for me to comprehend the diagram's structure by following the explanations of the winter solstice moving towards the Summer Solstice (
I also find the Yin Yang symbol with the white and black switched in your diagrams, thereby creating four different versions. That's why I get confused as to which is correct. After reading your blog, I feel that it's more important to just focus on the symbolic flow and cycle (and let go of being right). Thank you.
Each yin/yang symbol has a different meaning. Clockwise represent postnatal qi and counterclockwise represents prenatal qi. Then each of those has a yin and yang version delineated by which is on top. Asking which of these four is the correct one is like asking what is the correct position of the sun and moon.
I have a question about the ancient taiji diagram. Is the center circle colored white or would it show up as empty/clear if it were overlaid on a color background? Thank you!
Unknown, as the Dao is emptiness, the center would be empty or clear.
A tai chi symbol is one thing, but yin-yang has a long history and to evidence the tai chi symbol as justification for placing yang growing in fullness to the right is perhaps not totally incorrect, but less accurate: here's a great scholarly article on the subject with an ancient depiction showing yin growing in fullness downward to the right:
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