Many people are familiar with the fact that the days of the week are named after the Anglo-Saxon or Teutonic gods and goddesses: Sunday for Sunna, Monday for the Moon, Tuesday for Tiw, Wednesday for Woden, Thursday for Thor, Friday for Frigg or Freya, and Saturday for the Roman god Saturn.
However, how those days were chosen in the order we have today may be somewhat of a mystery. The article below will, no doubt, clear up a good part of that mystery!
Planetary Hours and Days by Christopher Warnock, Esq.
Planetary Hours of the Day | |||||||
Hour | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn |
2 | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter |
3 | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars |
4 | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun |
5 | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus |
6 | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury |
7 | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon |
8 | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn |
9 | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter |
10 | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars |
11 | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun |
12 | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus |
Planetary Hours of the Night | |||||||
Hours | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury |
2 | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon |
3 | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn |
4 | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter |
5 | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars |
6 | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun |
7 | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus |
8 | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury |
9 | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon |
10 | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn |
11 | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter |
12 | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars |
However, the planetary hours are not the same as the sixty minute hours beginning at
Accordingly, as the duration of daylight and darkness varies except at the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes, on a particular planetary day the length of the hours of the day will differ from the length of the hours of the night. Thus another name for the planetary hours, says William Lilly, the renowned English astrologer, is the unequal hours. Christian Astrology, [
The Planetary Hours and the Names and Sequence of the Days of the Week
As Lilly notes there are seven days of the week and seven planets and each planet rules or is lord of, one day: Sunday, the Sun; Monday, the Moon; Tuesday, Mars; Wednesday, Mercury; Thursday, Jupiter; Friday, Venus; and Saturday, Saturn. William Lilly, Christian Astrology, p. 482. The origin of the names of the days are explicitly planetary in medieval Latin: dies dominici (Sunday, the lord's day), die Lune, die Martis, die Mercuri, die Jovis, die Veneris, die Saturni. In English the Teutonic equivalents of the Greek and Latin gods have been used for some of the names of the days, i.e. Tuesday is Tiw's day, the Teutonic god of war; Wednesday is Wotan's day; Thursday is Thor's day; Friday is Frigg's day.
As we can see the sequence and names of the days of the week are not in the Chaldean order, but nevertheless the sequence and names of the days of the week are closely connected to the Chaldean order. Two processes interact to produce the sequence of the days of the week: (1) the fact that the planetary hours follow the Chaldean order and; (2) the fact that the planet that rules the first hour of each day rules the whole day and gives the day its name.
Figure One [at the top of this article] is the standard diagram of the planets arranged in a circle in the Chaldean order. Starting with the Sun and then following the order of the days of the week and their planetary rulers, i.e. Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, produces a seven pointed star, the heptagram of the week.
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